Event Information

Tennis Together Round Robin

Benefitting: Margaret Allen Middle School Youth Tennis Program

We will also be collecting baby formula and baby wipes for our local charity, Mother to Mother.

Date & Time
Saturday, May 3, 2025
2:30pm – 4:30pm

Ensworth Tennis Center
7405 TN-100
Nashville, TN 37221

TSO Member – $40
Non-TSO Member/Guest – $45


To register for the Tennis Together Round Robin event please fill out the form and make your desired selections. We thank you for your support!

"*" indicates required fields


Includes: Play
TSO Members $40, Non-TSO members/Guests $45

NOTE: Registration fees are non refundable. if you cannot attend, your payment will be considered a donation.
Spots available is the total available spots for the event regardless of member or non-member status.
Enter your USTA ranking

Payment Method*
Select the PayPal button to complete your transaction. NOTE: A PayPal account is not required to complete the transaction.